Inflammatory Diet

Inflammation is the body’s natural healing process. Its job is to protect the body in times it has been infected by harmful organisms. Short-term inflammation or acute inflammation can help the body heal from sickness or injury. Chronic inflammation, caused by prolonged stress can be quite harmful and has been linked to many autoimmune diseases. It may surprise you to know that some of the food and drink that we consume can actually cause an inflammatory response in our bodies, over time causing chronic inflammation and chronic disease.
It’s easy to try and avoid foods that cause inflammation when you love your organic produce! For those of you who may be a little more adventurous with your diets this can strike quite a challenge as the main food groups that seem to be the culprits are: Sugar, Gluten, Vegetable Oils and Artificial Additives.
This list seems small but if we read the ingredients in our bread, cereals, margarines, sauces, diet & soft drinks and a lot of the convenience foods available today we will notice that these main food groups are contaminating what we consume on a day to day basis.
To ensure that what you are eating is not contributing to inflammation, try sticking to a wholefood diet, filled with organic fresh fruits and veggies, good sources of animal protein and healthy good fats and prepare your meals yourself! Each person is different; what may affect some will not affect others, however many studies have been done showing less inflammation in the bodies of those eating a wholefood diet.
One study done with a group of older adults showed those who ate refined carbohydrates were 2.9 times more likely to die of an autoimmune disease. In Another study a group of much younger healthier men added 50grams of white bread into their diet. Shockingly, this study showed an instant spike in their blood sugar levels!
It’s easy to say “just a little bit” or “it’s just a treat” however as you can see even the smallest amounts of these ingredients can have damaging effects on the healthiest of bodies.

Meal Planning

Planning and prepping your family’s meals saves you money, time and most importantly ensures your family are eating nutritious and delicious meals each day. Don’t know where to start? Here are some of our best family meal prepping tips:
1. Start Small- if you haven’t done it before don’t dive into prepping every meal for every day. Start with two meals a week and work your way up from there.
2. Write it down- keep track of what your making. A fun way to get the family excited about it too is to write your menu on a black board. Write down everything you need on a shopping list, this will save you time and stop any impulse purchases which will save money too.
3. Set aside the time- We know you’re busy, but setting aside time to meal plan and prep will save you time later down the track. Think ahead with your prepping, if you need to cook chicken on Tues then have it in the fridge defrosting on Monday. Use your leftovers during the week for the weekend.
4. Involve the kids- The aim of food prepping, as well as saving time and money, is to make sure your family is eating wholesome food. This can also be a way of teaching your kids the importance of healthy eating. Involving the kids in meal planning guarantees they will have something on the table that they will like. You can also make it fun with theme nights!